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Dont Forget Your Toenails

How to Care for Your Nails


Dont Forget Your Toenails

Love getting pedicures? The technique matters. Clumsy trimming can lead to hangnails and ingrown toenails. Also, make sure the nail technician gently pushes back the cuticle rather than cuts it, which can lead to an infection. If you do your own nails, look for nail


Keep them well moisturized
Learn proper cuticle care
Massage your nails
Wear flip flops at the pool and in public showers
Remember toenails count
Easy on Nail Polish
Wear Sunscreen
Keep fingernails dry and clean
Lube up with oils
Trim your nails when they get too long
Bite your fingernails or pick at your cuticles
Follow a good diet for nails
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