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Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip

Healthy Shoulder


Never Bench Press With a Wide Grip

In powerlifting its known that using a wider grip reduces the range of motion and thus, theoretically you should be able to press more weight. The downside is that the wide grip puts your shoulders through hell so you should really consider avoiding it and only benching with a close to medium grip width. The widest I would ever recommend is pinkies in the rings and even closer than that for most people. You have to think long term and remember that if you shoulders are destroyed you wont even be able to bench the bar eventually. The great Konstantinovs knows the importance of this and has discussed it in the past. Here he is in the video below benching 507 for 3 with what many might consider a close grip.


Swap Out Bench Presses For Low Incline Presses
Work your way up to heavy weights
Do Kettlebell Snatches
At the End of Each Set of Military Presses You Do Hold the Bar in the Top Position
Do More Pushups
Dont do Curls on the Same Day You Do Heavy Pressing
Check your overhead position
Use a Sled for Explosive Pulls Instead
Use a Swiss Bar Instead of Straight Bar for Horizontal Pressing
Dont Go Excessively Heavy On Rowing Exercises
Begin the First Rep of Any Set of Military Presses with a Slight Leg Drive
Do Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups
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