Stop biting and picking your nails
1. Biting nails or being too aggressive when cleaning out under the nail can create stress fractures on the corners of the edges and eventually cause breaks, says Kimmie Kyees. Also, rubbing the top of your nails its a nervous habit some women have and it may cause severe ridges in the top of the nail plate. .....

Always wear rubber gloves while cleaning
2. Kyees advises women to use rubber gloves when they are using household cleaners to provide a barrier of protection against harmful chemicals that break the nail down. .....

Go easy on the water
3. When you are constantly in water, your nails will become weaker when they are actually wet and tear more easily, explains Kyees. Nails are porous and absorb water, so they will need to dry a little after being submerged in water or doing cleaning or bathing. .....

Weekly nail maintenance ensures long term health
4. Regular manicures, which includes filing the nails and cuticle care, is crucial, according to Deborah Lippmann. Moisturizing cuticles daily is also a key component to maintaining healthy, beautiful nails. .....

Slip into a pair of warm winter gloves before braving the cold
5. Winter temperatures can seriously dry and deteriorate your nails, so make sure to wear gloves when you go out, says Jin Soon Choi. .....

Stay away from hazardous and harsh chemicals
6. We know what inhaling toxic nail polishes containing formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin and toluene can potentially lead to. Choi warns against nail treatments that contain these materials as they will make achieving strong, healthy nails difficult. .....

Apply sunscreen before going under a UV or LED light
7. You can never be too safe! So before putting your hands under a UV or LED light, Lippmann recommends smoothing on a broad spectrum sunscreen beforehand to protect nails and hands. .....

Dont forget to take your vitamins
8. As far as vitamins, a biotin supplement is great for nails, says Lippmann. Products, both treatment and lacquer, that include biotin are also very helpful so that you can apply it directly on the nail. Kyees topical nail care solution: vitamin E gel capsules. She explains, Use a pin and pop a hole into the capsule, then apply it directly to your nails. .....

Give your cuticles a much needed massage
9. The actual nail forms just below the cuticle, and when you massage the cuticle you bring blood into that area of the nail which promotes healthier nail growth, says Lippmann. Its more about the action of massaging and getting the blood flowing than an actual treatment. .....

Smooth away dryness with a moisturizing hand cream
10. Lippmann believes that you should always hydrate after washing your hands. You would never wash your face without using a moisturizer, and you should treat your hands the same way. .....

Keep a nail file handy for emergencies
11. Its so important to keep a nail file with you at all times to smooth any rough edge and prevent further damage, says Lippmann. .....

Load up your meals with protein
12. A well balanced diet and drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated are just a few of the simple ways Lippmann believes will promote healthier nails. Choi echos this advice and calls out protein rich foods like fish that help to build nail strength. .....

Never use your nails as a tool
13. When using your fingernails to open boxes, letters or as any last minute tool, you risk bending the nail back, among other things, says Lippmann. The white area, referred to as the stress area, will eventually weaken and break. A lot of us are unaware of how we use our hands, so make a conscious effort to pay close attention to how you use your nails. .....

Base and top coats are manicure essentials
14. According to Lippmann, wearing polish protects the nails and keeps them in better condition. Never skip base coat or top coat, especially base coat, she adds. .....

Nail strengtheners they really do work
15. Nail strengtheners are composed mainly of keratin protein, which is what the nail is mostly made up of, explains Kyees. The strengthener bonds the molecules in the nails together creating a stronger nail. But when you discontinue use of the products all together the nail will return to its normal composition. Choi recommends polishing on a nail strengthener every three days for the best and .....

Swipe away that old nail polish
16. Weve all been guilty of wearing a manicure out to this unflattering point. To prevent peeling away at chipped nail polish, Choi suggests removing one week after. .....

Remedies for brittle easily broken nails
17. Brittle nails that split, peel and break easily are a common complaint.Brittle nails can happen because nails are too dry, but they can also happen if nails are too soft. Because of this, health care professionals often have two recommendations: Apply light moisturizer daily, and avoid harsh chemicals. Applying a moisturizer to your nails and cuticles will help lock water into the nail, which is good for strong, healthy nails.In addition to keepi .....

A Thumb nail Sketch
18. Your fingernails and toenails are there to help prevent injury to your digits, so from time to time your nails are likely to get injured in the line of duty (or in the strike line of a hammers head). Nail injuries can cause bruising, infection and may sometimes stunt nail growth. Keeping your nails short can help prevent nail injury because youll be less likely to snag a nail or separate it from the nail bed. And while you cant always prevent an .....

Nothing Fun About Fungus
19. Although yeast and other fungi and bacteria are equal opportunity nail invaders, its more likely youll develop a fungal infection in your toenails than your fingernails. This is generally because the fungus that causes an infection in a nail is the same as the one that causes athletes foot. Athletes foot is a common infection; it can develop quickly in warm, moist places, such as inside your socks. To help prevent fungal infections from invading .....

Supplements beneficial or bunk
20. Wish there were a magic pill to make nails strong and healthy, and keep them that way? While its not a magic pill, some studies have found that the vitamin biotin may help build nail thickness and hardness while reducing the chance of splitting. And for people with brittle, soft nails, this could seem like magic. An easy way to boost your biotin intake is with a supplement, but foods many of us eat every day are also rich in the B vitamin, from s .....

How Your Nails Might Help With Diagnosis
21. Your nails may be telling more than when you had your last manicure. They may be cluing you and your doctor in to potential health problems. For example, pitted nails may indicate undiagnosed psoriasis. Spoon nails (when the nails curve away from the nail bed to form a spoon shape) may give away an anemic condition, while clubbed nails (typified by an extreme, rounded curvature of the nail) may occur in people with cardiopulmonary disease or asth .....

Keep your fingernails dry and clean
22. This prevents bacteria, fungi and other organisms from growing under your fingernails. Wear cotton lined rubber gloves when washing dishes, cleaning or using harsh chemicals, and avoid long soaks in the tub. .....

Trim and file your fingernails regularly
23. Use a sharp manicure scissors or clippers. Trim your nails straight across, then round the tips in a gentle curve. It might be easiest to trim and file your fingernails when theyre soft, such as after bathing. .....

Trim your nails when they get too long
24. Cut nails when they reach a point thats to high for you. If you dont clip them when needed they can tear or get caught on things. Even worse it can scratch things like you.Take special care with your toenails. For true nail care, trim your toenails in a straight line and not in a curved manner. Inappropriate toenail cutting, toe injuries and even ill fitting boots or shoes might result in minute pieces of these toenails splitting up at the corner .....

Follow a good diet for nails
25. Fragile nails can be caused by iron insufficiencies. Foodstuffs abundant in iron include liver, trim red meats, species of fish, soy products, beans, lentils, whole grain products, green spinach, fresh vegetables, asparagus, parsley, poultry along with turkey, nuts, egg yolks, dry fruits like raisins, dates and apricots, etc. Eat a lot of these to help keep your nails healthy.Beetroots usually contain more calcium and also vitamin D to supplement .....

Use some tricks and remedies to clean your nails and remove stains
26. Squeeze a tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a cup of normal water and dip all your fingernails or toenails in this particular solution as for a couple of minutes. Then thoroughly clean these with hot water and then use a moisturizer. This really is a helpful nail care tip to get rid of stains on your nails.For nail care dip all your fingernails and toenails into lukewarm mustard oil as for 8 10 minutes. Then rub each of them slowly and gra .....
DO Daily Moisturizing
27. Nails need to be hydrated, since most problems crop up when theyre parched. Dry nails can crack, peel, and become brittle. Plus, dehydrated cuticles not only look ragged but also can turn into painful and infected hangnails, says Audrey Kunin, M.D., a Kansas City, Missouri, dermatologist. The best moisturizers are thick even greasy. Try Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Hand Cream. .....

Dont go barefoot
28. Keep your shoes on while at public places (swimming pools, locker rooms, shoe stores) if you dont, we wont be responsible for your toenail health. Why worry? Warm, damp environments are a breeding ground for fungi and viruses, explains Phoebe Rich, M.D., a nail disorders expert and a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Tip: If hose isnt offered when youre shoe shopping, ask for it. .....

Stop biting your nails
29. Yes, it s pretty hard. But they have some bitter tasting polishes on the market. Go to the grocery store and pick up one. You can use it on your bare nail, or on top of polish, the only thing is, they may have to be re applied every few days for the bitter taste to stay. .....

Keep nail files around
30. Just file once a week. Depending on genes, nails may break easily. Nails often break if they are uneven, and nails naturally grow unevenly. So stash files everywhere, and whenever you see unevenness, file them all to the same length, shape, and size. Make sure to file in the same direction, to prevent nail breakage. Replace your file every month, or even before the grain smooths out. .....

Drink water
31. Your nails will love you for it. You can also take multi vitamins to speed up growth and lotion helps keep the moisture in .....

Try to handle more natural items
32. Swap plastic for wood, fabric for leather, etc. You can do this by simply buying more natural items, so that means no sweets! It s hard but if you get off the sugar for a while, your nails will grow stronger and won t break as easily. .....

Nail beauty regime
33. This simply stops chipping and will make your nails look stronger, but if you don t have time to do this you can buy special anti chip nail varnish (but this will not work as well). Another way to stop nail chipping is to apply some of the nail polish on the tip of your nail. Also, add a fresh top coat daily to your manicure. Using nail polish remover when your manicure chips will weaken your nails rather than strengthen them. .....