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Stop biting and picking your nails

Healthy Nails


Stop biting and picking your nails

Biting nails or being too aggressive when cleaning out under the nail can create stress fractures on the corners of the edges and eventually cause breaks, says Kimmie Kyees. Also, rubbing the top of your nails its a nervous habit some women have and it may cause severe ridges in the top of the nail plate.


Weekly nail maintenance ensures long term health
Base and top coats are manicure essentials
Stop biting your nails
DO Daily Moisturizing
Use some tricks and remedies to clean your nails and remove stains
Smooth away dryness with a moisturizing hand cream
Supplements beneficial or bunk
Always wear rubber gloves while cleaning
Dont go barefoot
Drink water
Keep your fingernails dry and clean
Nothing Fun About Fungus
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