Stop yo yo dieting
Good Things you can do for your Body
Stop yo yo dieting
If the weekends are when you cut loose on your diet, drink more booze, and go indulge in unhealthy habits, you re really doing your gut a disservice (in more ways than one), according to astudyfrom the University of New South Wales. Researchers sayyo yodieting can throw off the 100 trillion microbial cellsin your gut, which control and influence your metabolism, immune function, and overall nutrition. But these levels and diversity of bacteria are disrupted, it can spark gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and obesity.
Get more Fiber
Eat a protein packed breakfast
Use weekends to catch up on sleep
Fry and saute Veggies in olive oil
Warm Up Befor Workout
Drink tea
Sweat wit HIIT
Strenththen your lower back
Eat 7 Serving of produce
Go Green at every meal
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