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Stop Smoking cigs and hookah

Good Things you can do for your Body


Stop Smoking cigs and hookah

Are you seriously still smoking in 2016?! Cigarettes increase your risk forheart disease(which accounts for 35 to 40 percent of all smoking related deaths), emphysema, cancer, stroke, asthma, lung infections, and dementia, and hookah isn t any better, according to ameta analysisfrom theUniversity of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences. Researchers boiled540 articles down to 17 relevant studies in which they discovered hookah smokers are in fact inhaling a huge amount of toxicants. When compared with a single cigarette, one hookah session delivers approximately 125 times the smoke, 25 times the tar, 2.5 times the nicotine, and 10 times the carbon monoxide.


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Stop Smoking cigs and hookah
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Eat a protein packed breakfast
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Clean UP Your Skincare regimen
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Drink tea
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