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Tips for Preparing Swiss Chard

Benefits of Swiss Chard


Tips for Preparing Swiss Chard

Rinse Swiss chard under cold running water. Do not soak chard as this will result in the loss of water soluble nutrients to the water. Remove any area of the leaves that may be brown, slimy, or have holes. Stack the leaves and slice into 1 inch slices until you reach the stems. Only the white stems of the Fordhook variety of chard are tender enough to eat. Cut stems into 1/2 inch slices discarding the bottom 1 inch portion. We don t recommend cooking the stems of the varieties with colored stems.


Cooking Swiss chard
Support of Bone Health
Origins of Swiss chard
Swiss Chard Juice Nutrition
Alternative names for Swiss chard
How to Select
It is also rich source of omega 3
It is also rich in B complex
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