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Benefits of Yams



Yams are an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, with 1 cup providing approximately 20 percent of your daily requirement of each of these nutrients. Vitamin C assists in tissue repair and wound healing, and its antioxidant properties help offset the cell-damaging effects of free radicals in your body. Protein metabolism requires vitamin B6, and B6 also functions in the synthesis of red blood cells. Thiamin, another B vitamin, helps you convert carbohydrates to energy, and 1 cup of yams supplies 10 percent of your daily need for this vitamin.


Yam is a good source of energy
Taste Benefits
Prevents Premature Hair Greying
Good source of potassium
Health Benefits
Aids Digestion and Improves Bowel Habits
Heals Skin Diseases and Cures Respiratory Problems
Stimulates Collagen Production
Yam is an important dietary element
Rich sources of minerals
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