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Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines

Precautions while using Mobile Phones


Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines

Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines which emit no radiation, and which can often be used for free and for unlimited time via the Internet, even for phone calls abroad. As you probably know, the World Health Organization issued a controversial report at the end of May saying that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, which is to say cell phones, are possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer.


Balance the safety and convenience
Dont make calls when youre enclosed in metal
Choose a device
Never hold the phone directly against your head or body
Your cell phone to spread out your exposure
Reduce exposure
Cell Phones
It uses less power and exposes you less
The radiation is more damaging
Dont carry a cell phone close to the body
Use a hands free device or wireless headset
Make use of protective items to shield yourself from radiation
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