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Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines

Precautions while using Mobile Phones


Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines

Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines which emit no radiation, and which can often be used for free and for unlimited time via the Internet, even for phone calls abroad. As you probably know, the World Health Organization issued a controversial report at the end of May saying that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, which is to say cell phones, are possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer.


Do not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched on
Reduce exposure
Cell Phones Lower Sperm Count
Distance between the phone and your head
Use a hands free device or wireless headset
The health risks
Return to the cord phone orland line phone
Avoid using your cell phone in places
For longer conversations
Do not keep under the pillow
Try to keep the cell phone away from the body
Stay still when using a cell phone
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