Romanian Peasant Revolt
Major Wars Of 20th Century
Romanian Peasant Revolt
Years 1907 1907 Battle deaths 2,000 The 1907 Romanian PeasantsRevolt took place in March 1907 in Moldavia and it quickly spread, reaching Wallachia. The main cause was the discontent of the peasants about the inequity of land ownership, which was in the hands of just a few large landowners. The revolt began on the lands administered by one lessor, Mochi Fischer, in the village of Fl?manzi (the name seems predestined, as it literally means hungry men) due to Fischers refusal to renew the leasing with the local peasants. The Austrian Jewish family of Fischer used to lease about 75 percent of the arable land in three Romanian counties in Moldavia (the so called Fischerland). The peasants, fearing that they would remain without work and, more importantly, without food, began to act violently. Mochi Fischer was scared and fled to a friend of his in Cern?u?i, leaving the peasants without signed contracts. The fear of remaining out of work, combined with the activities of some alleged Austro Hungarian instigators, led the peasants to revolt. The revolt soon spread across most of Moldavia, with several landownersproperties destroyed and many lessors killed or wounded. The Conservative government (Partidul Conservator) couldnt handle the situation and resigned, and the Liberals (Partidul Na?ional Liberal) of Dimitrie Sturdza assumed power.On 18 March a state of emergency was declared, then general mobilization, with 140,000 soldiers being recruited by 29 March. The Romanian Army began firing on the peasants; thousands of peasants perished and more than 10,000 were arrested.