forever young naturally exercise

Forever Young Naturally Exercise

191. Facial Exercises Get an eye test
It is natural for eyes to change with age and for eyesight to deteriorate. If you notice eyesight changes it becomes more difficult to read small print or your night vision seems reduced, for instance book an examination with an optometrist immediately. Even if you don’t have any problems with your eyesight, after the age of 40 book an appointment every one or two years to look for common agerelated ailments; annually over 60.
192. Facial Exercises Face dancing
Put on a short piece of music and dance along to it with your face only. If you can record moving images, make a film of yourself to make you laugh later. Try different pieces of music: Vivaldi works well, but mix in John Coltrane,Tammy Wynette, or classic rock, to match your mood.
193. Facial Exercises Forehead workout
Frown and try to bring the corners of your eyebrows together. Hold, then relax. Looking forward with relaxed eyes, lift your eyebrows toward your hairline, without moving your head. Hold. Let the eyebrows go, closing your eyes and feeling your upper eyelashes weighted on your cheeks.
194. Facial Exercises Neck lift
Roll your shoulders up, back, and down to release tension. Then repeat, moving in the opposite direction. Keeping your shoulders immobile, press your chin forward, hold for a moment, and draw back. Gently tilt your chin to point at the ceiling (don’t do this if you have neck problems). Don’t allow your head to flop backward. Bring your back teeth together to stretch the neck. Without moving your chin, swallow seven times to stimulate the thyroid gland. This action may take some time. Gently lower the head. Tuck your chin in slightly and take it toward your chest. Hold this position for a moment, then pivot back to center.
195. Facial Exercises Energizing facial yoga
When your face feels tired or “set” after a period of concentration, open your eyes wide, open your mouth and stick out your tongue to touch your chin. Hold for a few seconds, roaring like a lion if it helps.
196. Facial Exercises Combating tiredness
When your face looks and feels overtired, heed the warning signs and use them as a prompt for you to slow down and take a break. Rearrange social plans and rethink overtime commitments. Then relax in a warm bath, apply a face pack, and place cooled damp green tea bags over your eyes. When finished, go straight to bed.
197. Facial Exercises Mouth and cheek toning
Improve muscle tone and skin elasticity by spending just a few short minutes a day doing these exercises. Practice in front of a mirror at first to ensure that you are not screwing up your eyes.
1. Open your mouth in an “O” shape. Drop your jaw downward very slowly to make an oval. Hold, feeling the stretch in your cheeks.
2. With your teeth together, draw the sides of your mouth outward, as if saying “eee.” Hold without wrinkling the skin around your eyes.
3. Pull the sides of your mouth upward into a wide smile. Hold, then pull them farther up. Hold, then release. Repeat 5 times.
198. Building Energy
Human circadian rhythms, or our internal body clock, govern different times of day, regulated by complementary drives: the urge for wakefulness and toward sleep. Energy patterns vary also according to the seasons, adapting to suit the long, dark winter nights and long, light summer days. Natural energy comes from tuning into and adapting life to fit in with shifting internal and external energy patterns.
199. Building Energy Seasonal living
Occasionally try to bypass the artificial rhythms of the clock. If commitments allow, sleep late in winter, waking only when the sun rises. Let your body clock shift backward through springtime, so that by the summer you are waking and getting up and about early, again following the sun. Make the most of extra time on summer mornings by meditating and doing yoga exercises.
200. Building Energy Energy scan
Close your eyes and scan your body to check your energy levels on waking and at bedtime, before work and exercise, and when lying, standing, and sitting. Where do you feel energy tingling and a sense of wakefulness? Notice areas of stiffness. Which areas fail to respond as you tune in? How do your fingers and toes feel? What about your neck, forehead, and abdomen? Does your heart feel heavy or light? Don’t judge yourself, just make a mental note of the patterns. After exercising, meditation, or yoga, repeat the scan. Do you feel more connected, have areas of tension dissipated, are new parts tingling with a new vibrancy?