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Narcissus Bulbocodium



Narcissus Bulbocodium

Grows spontaneously in Portugal, flowers in the open border about the middle of May, is an old inhabitant of our gardens, but, like the triandrus, is now become scarce, at least in the nurseries about London, in some gardens in Hampshire we have seen it grow abundantly Miller calls it the Hoop Petticoat Narcissus, the nectary, as he observes, being formed like the ladies hoop petticoats.It certainly is one of the neatest and most elegant of the genus, is propagated by offsets, and should be planted in a loamy soil, with an Eastern exposure.


Strelitzia Reginae
Monsonia speciosa
Anthyllis Tetraphylla
Sempervivum Arachnoideum
Senecio Elegans
Mahernia Pinnata
Iris Sambucina
Sempervivum Monanthes
Narcissus Incomparabilis
Mesembryanthemum Dolabriforme Hatchet leavd Fig Marigold
Cassia Chamaecrista
Amygdalus Nana
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