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Cassia Chamaecrista



Cassia Chamaecrista

A native of the West Indies, and of Virginia according to Linnaeus, not common in our gardens, though cultivated as long ago as 1699, by the Duchess of Beaufort, (vid. Hort. Kew.) unnoticed by Miller.This species, superior in beauty to many of the genus, is an annual, and consequently raised only from seeds, these must be sown in the spring, on a hot bed, and when large enough to transplant, placed separately in pots of light loamy earth, then replunged into a moderate hot bed to bring them forward, and in the month of June removed into a warm border, where, if the season prove favourable, they will flower very well towards August, but, as such seldom ripen their seeds, it will be proper to keep a few plants in the stove or greenhouse for that purpose, otherwise the species may be lost.


Narcissus Biflorus
Narcissus Major
Passiflora Ciliata
Jasminum Officinale Common Jasmine or Jessamine
Dracocephalum Denticulatum
Cistus Ladaniferus
Antirrhinum triste
Tagetes Patula
Browallia Elata Tall Browallia
Gorteria Rigens
Disandra Prostrata
Hemerocallis Flava Yellow Day lily
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