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Anthyllis Tetraphylla



Anthyllis Tetraphylla

An annual, the spontaneous growth of Spain, Italy, and Sicily, flowers in the open border in July, and ripens its seeds, in September.Long since cultivated in our gardens, but more as a rare, or curious, than a beautiful plant.Its seeds are to be sown in April, on a bed of light earth, where they are to remain, no other care is necessary than thinning them, and keeping them clear of weeds.


Linum Arboreum
Senecio Elegans
Aster Tenellus Bristly leavd Aster
Trollius Asiaticus
Narcissus Triandrus
Clematis Integrifolia
Cyclamen Persicum
Coreopsis Verticillata
Campanula Speculum
Cistus Formosus
Portlandia Grandiflora
Sisyrinchium Irioides
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