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Strelitzia Reginae



Strelitzia Reginae

In order that we may give our readers an opportunity of seeing a coloured representation of one of the most scarce and magnificent plants introduced into this country, we have this number deviated from our usual plan, with respect to the plates, and though in so doing we shall have the pleasure of gratifying the warm wishes of many of our readers, we are not without our apprehensions least others may not feel perfectly well satisfied, should it prove so, we wish such to rest assured that this is a deviation in which we shall very rarely indulge and never but when something uncommonly beautiful or interesting presents itself to avoid the imputation of interested motives, we wish our readers to be apprized that the expences attendant on the present number, in consequence of such deviation, have been considerably augmented, not lowered.It is well known to many Botanists, and others, who have experienced Sir Joseph Bankss well known liberality, that previous to the publication of the Hortus Kewensis he made a new genus of this plant, which had before been considered as a species of Heliconia, and named it Strelitzia in honour of our most gracious Queen Charlotte, coloured engravings of which, executed under his direction, he presented to his particular friends, impressions of the same plate have been given in the aforesaid work, in which we are informed that this plant was introduced to the royal garden at Kew, by Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. in the year 1773, where it lately flowered


Narcissus Bulbocodium
Pelargonium Tricolor
Portlandia Grandiflora
Dracocephalum Denticulatum
Ixia Bulbocodium
Aster Tenellus Bristly leavd Aster
Melissa Grandiflora
Iberis Gibraltarica
Liriodendron Tulipifera
Alyssum Halimifolium
Helianthus Multiflorus
Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed
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