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Hyoscyamus Aureus



Hyoscyamus Aureus

A native of Crete, and other parts of the East.Flowers most part of the summer, but seldom ripens seeds in England, will continue for several years, if kept in pots and sheltered in winter, for it will not live in the open air during that season, if placed under a common hot bed frame, where it may enjoy as much free air as possible in mild weather, it will thrive better than when more tenderly treated.It may be easily propagated by cuttings, which if planted in a shady border and covered with hand glasses, in any of the summer months, they will take root in a month or six weeks, and may be afterwards planted in pots and treated like the old plants. Millers Gard. Dict.It is, however, a more common practice to keep this plant in the stove in the winter, one advantage, at least, attends this method, we secure it with certainty.


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