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Amygdalus Nana



Amygdalus Nana

The Dwarf Almond, a native of Russia and Tartary, is justly considered as one of our most ornamental shrubs, it rarely rises above the height of three feet, and hence becomes very suitable for the shrubbery of small extent. It flowers about the middle of April, somewhat later than the common Almond.Miller observes, that the roots are apt to put out suckers, by which the plant may be increased in plenty, and if those are not annually taken away, they will starve the old plant.Cultivated in 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland. Ait. Hort. Kew.


Saponaria Ocymoides
Iberis Umbellata
Tanacetum Flabelliforme
Hypericum Calycinum
Lavatera Trimestris
Viola Pedata
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Veronica Decussata
Heliotropium Peruvianum
Anemone Hortensis
Kalmia Glauca
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