fitness tips

Fitness Tips

101 best fitness tips that will help you reach your health, weight loss and wellness goals.
11. Add some muscle building activities to your weekly workouts
Free weights, resistance bands, muscle sculpt classes or using your body weight with push ups, planks and squats all work.
12. Keep in mind that striving for perfection usually leads to disaster
Set small, goals and stair step your way to success by developing healthy habits.
13. Dont DIET Reverse the letters in the word and EDIT what you eat
Make it a lifestyle change toward healthier foods, not a deprivation plan.
14. Take one day a week for active recovery
It s your day of rest from intense workouts, but you still move. Take a walk. Do a gentle yoga class. Just do something that s less intense than what you do for exercise the other six days of the week.
15. Select healthier choices to have on standby
Select healthier choices to have on standbyin your fridge when hunger pains or emotional eating strikes, such as a bowl of fresh strawberries or blueberries.
16. Follow the 80 by 20 rule
Eat healthy 80 percent of the time. Indulge occasionally, but make sure most of your choices are healthy.
17. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store
where food tends to be the healthiest and isn t primarily packaged and processed.
18. Weigh yourself often to keep your weight at the top of your mind
so you don t slip off track with inattention. But be realistic. Know your number can change due to water weight and hormones. Use it as a touch base, not a mood changer.
19. Get an accountability partner for exercise and weight loss support
Exercise together, share tips and swap encouragement.
20. Create a fail safe environment
Create a fail safe environmentin your home by not stocking it with foods that tend to be your downfall.