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Watch your speed

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Watch your speed

Some people use mobile for convenience. For example, they use their phone to check in on their flight through an app. A B2C company may need contextual customer data to facilitate an up sell in real time on a PC. A B2B company may need a configuration and quotation portal for a sales rep out in the field. In all cases page load speed and data processing speeds will be very different but always crucial, explained Steve Prentice (@stevenprentice), senior writer, CloudTweaks. Speed from cloud to mobile and back needs planning, testing, and constant vigilance.


Secure mobile device data at all stages
Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic
Utilize productivity suites
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
Ask your employees what they want
Get Goldilocks visibility into your cloud
Map out users and applications for easy access to needed data
Use Big Data to understand user mobile behavior
Speed up mobile application development
Integrate unified communications
Watch your speed
Expose APIs to mobile
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