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Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic

Cloud and mobile are symbiotic as they rely on each other for greater benefit. They re also synergistic in that their combined use produces greater value than the sum of their separate uses. Cloud strategy provides a resource platform anywhere we might require one, while mobile strategy extends reach everywhere we could possibly go, said Scott Maurice (@scottjmaurice), managing partner, Avail Partners. When cloud and mobile are combined it creates an entirely new way of operating a business, said Sabrinath Rao (@Commvault), head of virtualization, cloud business unit, Commvault. They ve been linked for some time now due to cloud infrastructures ability to solve many of the challenges of mobile computing such as scale, frequent updating, and heterogeneous platform support, explained Charles Moore (@delphix), product marketing, Delphix.


Expose APIs to mobile
Get Goldilocks visibility into your cloud
Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Focus on the user
Use Big Data to understand user mobile behavior
Integrate unified communications
Watch your speed
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
Offload computation to the cloud
Optimize display for the mobile experience
Manage poor connectivity to the cloud
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