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Utilize productivity suites

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Utilize productivity suites

One of the easiest ways to get the most value out of your cloud and mobile workloads is to focus on a cloud based productivity suite, such as Office 365, said Todd Schwartz (@GetSkyKick), co CEO and co founder, SkyKick. The Office 365 suite is a great way to reduce infrastructure costs while providing superior access across multiple devices to any document or data stored in the cloud. It s a two for one investment. Enterprises that have started using software as a service (SaaS) solutions are often better prepared for the jump to mobile apps because the needed security controls and technology are already in place to protect against possible sensitive data leaks, added Reed Hyde (@DimensionDataAM), VP, technical product management, ITaaS service unit, Dimension Data. For those comfortable with SaaS, Hyde suggests looking at a cloud based mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) solution: MBaaS has a key role to play in offering an environment of connected intelligence around device management, mobile application usage, and unified communications and collaboration tools all with access to key enterprise systems like ERP, CRM, and SCM.


Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Optimize display for the mobile experience
Offload computation to the cloud
Utilize productivity suites
Expose APIs to mobile
Manage poor connectivity to the cloud
Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic
Focus on the user
Integrate unified communications
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Secure mobile device data at all stages
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