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Ask your employees what they want

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Ask your employees what they want

Listen to your employees. In many ways the cloud strategy should be guided by the mobile needs of your workforce. Ask yourself what your teams need first and foremost, advised Eric Hanson (@fuze), VP of strategic initiatives, Fuze. Whether it is giving them tools to be in more places at once or those that help them strike a balance between life and work, technology needs to serve as an enabler to give them control of their day, to stay connected and engaged, and to free them to get their work done on their terms.


Map out users and applications for easy access to needed data
Get Goldilocks visibility into your cloud
Expose APIs to mobile
Ask your employees what they want
Offload computation to the cloud
Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic
Focus on the user
Understand the how what where when and who of data
Develop a cloud first and a mobile first strategy
Secure mobile device data at all stages
Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Utilize productivity suites
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