Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies
Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Bring your own device (BYOD) policies give your employees the freedom to create, collaborate, and execute regardless of time or space, so the key is to tap into the potential of these ubiquitous endpoints without putting corporate assets at risk, said Neal Bradbury (@IntronisInc), co founder and VP of channel development, Intronis. Stop implementing massive over priced solutions that are too difficult for users to use and stop banning [employees] from deploying these outside, unsanctioned applications, suggested Simon Bain (@sibain), CEO, SearchYourCloud. Instead, focus on how you can extend, enhance, and add additional functionality to these downloadable apps that address issues surrounding security.
Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Develop a cloud first and a mobile first strategy
Expose APIs to mobile
Focus on the user
Optimize display for the mobile experience
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
Speed up mobile application development
Offload computation to the cloud
Map out users and applications for easy access to needed data
Integrate unified communications
Devise a permissive not restrictive BYOD policy
Ask your employees what they want
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