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Optimize display for the mobile experience

Expert Tips on Integrating Mobile and Cloud Strategies


Optimize display for the mobile experience

Avoid purpose building for a specific device or network access, suggested Dan Carney (@llnw), VP, operations, Limelight. Instead, work on a common back end that is the single source of truth and then spend energy on the most appropriate capabilities to tailor the content for consumption on the target device? Each device should be considered another content consuming device be it mobile, desktop, television, etc. Applications need to be architected with a flexible presentation layer that allows them to be responsive: one application that adapts to multiple display sizes and form factors, in the cloud, available anywhere on any device, said Gerardo Dada (@gerardodada), VP, product marketing and strategy, SolarWinds. [As such,] business and application owners are responding to the needs of mobile users by developing flexible presentation logic for web sites, typically utilizing Responsive Web Design (RWD), said M.J. Johnson (@threeeyedtoad), director, product marketing, Akamai Technologies.


Speed up mobile application development
Secure mobile device data at all stages
Develop a cloud first and a mobile first strategy
Recognize that mobile and cloud are symbiotic and synergistic
Expose APIs to mobile
Watch your speed
Optimize display for the mobile experience
Ignore server data organization when defining mobile strategy
Utilize productivity suites
Map out users and applications for easy access to needed data
Offload computation to the cloud
Test in public cloud move to private cloud for production
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