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Yam Fun Facts

Benefits of Yams


Yam Fun Facts

Yams are thought to have originated in Asia, carried to Africa around the first century before being transported to the Caribbean with the slave trade. yams appear very similar to sweet potatoes, theyandre quite different. In fact, theyandre not even related. Yams belong to the Dioscoreae or morning glory family, while sweet potatoes are from the genus Convolvulaceae. Yams (from the African word andnyami,and meaning andto eatand) have only one embryonic seed leaf, while sweet potatoes have two.


Low Glycemic Index Healthy Food
Alzheimerands disease
Improves Cognitive Ability
Health Benefits
Humble vegetable
Digestive Aid
Helps in RBC Production and Improves Blood Flow
Confusion between yams and sweet potatoes
Small amounts of vitaminA
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