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Delays Ageing Signs

Benefits of Yams


Delays Ageing Signs

Yam has amazing anti-ageing benefits. It contains amazing skin-friendly nutrients like beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and antioxidants which can help to prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Yams have an amount of potassium. It aids in the healthy digestion which greatly is needed by people with IBD or Irritable Bowel Disorder. The role of potassium as electrolyte is very important in stimulating the smooth muscle contractions in the stomach as well as in the large intestine creating a healthy environment for good digestion.


Protection Against Cardiovascular Disease
Delays Ageing Signs
Side effects of Yam
Dioscorea trifida
Several essential vitamins and minerals
Yam is a good source of energy
Yam Fun Facts
Dioscorea rotundataandandandD cayenensis
It is rich in phenylalanine and threonine
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