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cool season vegetable

Benefits of Radicchio


cool season vegetable

At its natural habitat, radicchio is a coolseason vegetable. Althoughgrown in some parts of USA, a majority of it is imported from the Mediterranean, especially from Italy. Some of the varieties are grown locally and marketed year around in California state. If you grow in your home garden, ensure its edible head is blanched appropriately before harvesting (as in endives). In some parts, forced second growth (heads) are harvested, while its green, bitter, first heads discarded. To harvest, cut its round compact head off the root and trim away all its outer coppergreen leaves, just as in cabbage.


Uses and Benefits
Excellent source of minerals
Excellent source of vitamin K
Radicchio may improve brain health
Radicchio is a red leafy type of vegetable
Metabolism and cellular processes
cool season vegetable
High fiber content
Excellent source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidants
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