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They prepare and practice

Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero


They prepare and practice

Teams become heroes because of how they act during a crisis, said Bruce Schneier (@schneierblog), CTO, Resilient Systems. If youre going to do best, youre going to have to prepare. Practice, not because what you practice is whats going to actually happen, but because thats how you learn how to respond to the unexpected. Get to know each other. Build understanding, build trust. Run drills. Equip yourself with an incident response platform that is both powerful and flexible.


They take on other responsibilities
They make it look easy
The team works better than the individual
They focus on clients
They are proactive about project planning
They prepare and practice
They anticipate organizational needs
They are informed and aware of organizational goals
They measure success
They allow you to deliver
The team acts like theyre the best
They shine
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