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They focus on clients

Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero


They focus on clients

Every client is different, after all; a plan that works for one isnt going to work for another, noted Daniel Page (@aseohosting), director of business development, ASEOHosting. If your sales associates are skilled at working with prospective customers to design a plan that fits their specific needs, youre going to enjoy a lot more business than if youve just got a rigid set of do or die options. Mike Martin (@1mikemartin), CTO/CIO, nfrastructure agrees, Members of our team are empowered to do whatever is necessary to produce results and success for the customer. The best team members get great reviews from the end user, said Nestor Rincon (@RinconDynamic), founder, Rincon Dynamic. Teams that provide great customer service get noticed by top management, which in turn makes the team leader or project manager look like a hero.


They accept constructive criticism and act on it
They are proactive about project planning
They make it look easy
The team acts like theyre the best
They focus on clients
The team works better than the individual
They are a motley crew with varied strengths
They shine
They anticipate organizational needs
They learn from failure
They dont just sell services They scope client needs
They understand the business
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