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Access to the race route

Rules to play Power Walking


Access to the race route

All race routes will be free of vehicles. It is strictly prohibited for anyone (spectators, coaches, etc.) other than runners to move in all race lanes, in any type of vehicle. Parallel street lanes will also be free of traffic and dedicated to the Organising Committee accredited vehicles (ambulances, police vehicles, etc.). All spectators are kindly requested to use public transport (Metro and busses outside the race routes), as indicated in the maps.The presence of accompanying persons in any of the street lanes, the failure to demonstrate a valid accreditation pass or the disobedience to the police orders will lead to their expulsion from the race route and the disqualification of the athletes they escort.


Access to the finish area
Access to the race route
Runners who drop out
Starting blocks
Warm up
Clothing management
Power walking special rules
Finishing the race
Race start
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