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They accept constructive criticism and act on it

Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero


They accept constructive criticism and act on it

No one likes to be criticized, but IT leaders need to manage and grow their team. If you, as an IT leader, can comfortably describe areas where team members need to improve to meet your expectations, in a way that is constructive and honest, without a hint of malice, then what you are giving them is the gift of growth, advised Thom Langford (@ThomLangford), CISO, Publicis Groupe. Their personal growth is something they will always respect you for. Do this badly, and they will continue to do what they want, despite the impacts on the team and you.


They shine
They offer ideas
They look out for each other
The team acts like theyre the best
They measure success
They accept constructive criticism and act on it
They are proactive about project planning
They prepare and practice
They understand the business
They keep the business safe and operational
They learn from failure
They allow you to deliver
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