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They offer ideas

Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero


They offer ideas

The ability to anticipate problems doesnt happen on its own. An IT leader must foster an environment that welcomes forward thinking behavior. For example, at Egnyte, co founder and CSO, Kris Lahiri (@KrisLahiri) has developed a positive culture that encourages everyone to learn from each other and innovate. This enables my team to be creative and develop new features or functionality that I did not originally have on my roadmap, said Lahiri. Bill Schrier (@BillSchrier), senior policy advisor, State of Washington Office of the CIO, said he never rejects an idea: I brainstorm with folks and figure out a way to use it, then I give them credit. I hope this inspires them to generate more ideas, talk well about the organization and then make the organization look like a hero.


The team works better than the individual
They focus on clients
They measure success
They keep the business safe and operational
They are a motley crew with varied strengths
They learn from failure
They understand the business
They allow you to deliver
They shine
They anticipate organizational needs
They accept constructive criticism and act on it
They make it look easy
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