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Put your fork or spoon down between every bite

Tips To Lose Weight


Put your fork or spoon down between every bite

At the table, sip water frequently. Intersperse your eating with stories for your dining partner of the amusing things that happened during your day. Your brain lags your stomach by about 20 minutes when it comes to satiety (fullness) signals. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of food.


Bulk up your meals with veggies
Get an online weight loss buddy to lose more weight
Put less food out and youll take less in
Eat Real Food
Get Your Hormones Checked
Close the kitchen for 12 hours
Serve food on your plate instead of on platters
Exercise smart
Eat nuts and fish
Eat cereal for breakfast five days a week
Women Avoid Eating Fruit
Get most of your calories before noon
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