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Avoid white foods

Tips To Lose Weight


Avoid white foods

There is some scientific legitimacy to todays lower carb diets: Large amounts of simple carbohydrates from white flour and added sugar can wreak havoc on your blood sugar and lead to weight gain. While avoiding sugar, white rice, and white flour, however, you should eat plenty of whole grain breads and brown rice. One Harvard study of 74,000 women found that those who ate more than two daily servings of whole grains were 49 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate the white stuff.


Drop your milk type and you cut calories by about 20 percent
The color blue suppresses appetites
Eat nuts and fish
Snack on a small handful of nuts
Eat cereal for breakfast five days a week
Eat When Hungry
Spend 10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs
Put your fork or spoon down between every bite
Get most of your calories before noon
Here s how to enjoy high calorie foods
Men Avoid Drinking Beer
After breakfast stick to water
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