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Low Fat Unsweetened Kefir



Low Fat Unsweetened Kefir

Kefir is a cultured or fermented milk beverage from the Caucasus region of Central Asia. The cultures are called “kefir grains” and include a mix of bacteria and yeasts.
It takes kefir grains to make kefir grains, much like the sourdough starter process for bread. There are different strains and types of kefir grains, which give different qualities and health Benefits to the beverage. Traditional kefir also has a low alcohol content.
Kefir’s cultures are believed to help strengthen the immune system. They also make the milk more digestible for those with lactose intolerance. The “friendly” bacteria and yeast (and the alcohol) help eliminate more dangerous bacteria from the system. They may also encourage anti-cancer compounds and have been used to soothe skin disorders.
Nutritional Facts :
One cup of plain low-fat kefir provides 120 calories, 12 g carbohydrate, 14 g protein, 2 g fat, 3 g dietary fiber, 500 IU vitamin A, 2.4 mg vitamin C, 100 IU vitamin D, 125 mg sodium, and 300 mg calcium.


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