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Know the positions of lacrosse

Rules to play Lacrosse


Know the positions of lacrosse

10 lacrosse players take the field for a game 3 attack men, 3 midfielders, 3 defenders, and 1 goalie. They each have different functions Attack men usually stay in the opponents half and are responsible for creating fast breaks, moving the ball around in the opponents half, and scoring goals.Midfielders move the length of the field, help with attacking and defending, and are responsible for the faceoff.Defenders usually stay in their half and keep the opponents players from attacking. Defenders usually, but not always, have longer sticks than other players.Goalie defends his teams goal, trying to keep the other team from scoring. Has a bigger than normal head on his stick for defending his goal.


Lacrosse equipment
Nice and snug
Assess penalties
Learn how to cradle
Understand that the mens and womens
Learn how to defend
Hold the stick in the proper way
After each goal
Across the brow
Lacrosse Helmet maintenance
Know the positions of lacrosse
Cradle and shoot with both hands
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