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Cradle and shoot with both hands

Rules to play Lacrosse


Cradle and shoot with both hands

Nothing impresses a coach more than being ambidextrous! Learning to use both hands requires patience, because it will not happen overnight. Using your off hand in games will seriously improve your play.A good way to learn your off hand skills is to look at what your dominate hand is doing. Mirror the way you are passing. Go through the same motions. After you do this, spend a week of practice using nothing but your non dominant hand. During line drills, 6v6, fast break, anything. Only use your off hand. This will be very frustrating, but keep at it.


Learn to pass
Lacrosse positions
Learn how to cradle
Know the basic play
Practice your ground balls
Understand the object of the game
Lacrosse equipment
Learn to read the field and know when to move off the ball
After each goal
Learn how to shoot
Cradle and shoot with both hands
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