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Prevent Ice Dams

Tips to get ready for Winter


Prevent Ice Dams

If your home had lots of icicles last winter or worse, ice dams, which can cause meltwater to back up and flow into your house take steps to prevent potential damage this year.A home-energy auditor or weatherization contractor can identify and fix air leaks and inadequate insulation in your homes attic that can lead to ice dams. If you have the work done before December 31, you can claim the federal energy-efficiency tax credit for 10% of the cost, up to $500. Your state or utility may offer a rebate, too Orat least scan it closely with binoculars. Look for damaged, loose or missing shingles that may leak during winter


Turn Off Exterior Faucets
Prepare to Stow Your Mower
Test Your Sump Pump
Prevent Ice Dams
Tune Up Your Heating System
Restock Winter Essentials
Caulk Around Windows and Doors
Divert Water
Don t Prune Trees or Shrubs Until Late Winter
Clean the Gutters
Call a Chimney Sweep
Drain Your Lawn Irrigation System
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