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Make sure they are friendly friends

Precautions while using Facebook


Make sure they are friendly friends

The precautions you need to take when you are practicing online social networking are extremely crucial when dealing with strangers, or new friends. When you get a new friend request you need to be very careful. This may be an innocent person who is very honest, but it could be a predator looking to steel you identity of give your computer a virus. You should always scan these emails and any attachments they have before opening them. Always have your firewall on the highest you can to help prevent predators from getting to your information.


Be careful when placing photographs of you or your children on Facebook
Never use the same passwords
Do not leave your computer on with your Facebook account open
Who would want my photo
Consider restricting access to your profile
Do not accept all Friend Requests
Do not place your personal information on your Facebook profile
Dont post your address online
Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall
Always log out
Privecy policies
Watch your status messages
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