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Choose Your Photos Wisely

Precautions while using Facebook


Choose Your Photos Wisely

When uploading photos to your business Facebook profile, make sure the pictures are relevant to your business. Sharing photos of tipsy employees, random things that capture your interest, employees pets or completely irrelevant social outings gives off the impression that the people at your workplace are more concerned with partying than doing their jobs. Even photos of office outings and workplace birthdays should be shared rarely and never outnumber relevant photos of your office building and employees.


Do not place your personal information on your Facebook profile
Choosing a profile picture
Use your common sense
Beware of those applications
Impersonation is rampant Beware
Who would want my photo
Dont post your address online
Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated
Keep Your Grudges Private
Do not share pics
Always log out
Turn on Login Notifications
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