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Whos your buddy

Precautions while using Facebook


Whos your buddy

Come on. This is not high school and Facebook isnt a popularity contest. You dont need to befriends with everyone. Actually, a good reality check is if this person is actually a friend or family member in real life. If theyre not an actual friend, why would you want them to know when youre stuck working late, getting ready to go on vacation or that you just bought a new computer or flat screen TV?


Beware of those applications
Danger of identity theft
Ummm sorry Grandma Think before you type
Dont post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack
Choosing a profile picture
Privecy policies
Whos your buddy
Be suspicious
Watch your status messages
Security weaknesses of add on features
Impersonation is rampant Beware
Keep changing your password often
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