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Adopted children grow up feeling bitter and rejected

Myth about Adoption


Adopted children grow up feeling bitter and rejected

The child will grow up knowing that his family was created by adoption and understanding that his or her birth mother selflessly planned a wonderful future for her child The child will be grateful for the birth parents choice of adoption


Your child will think adoption is the greatest thing to happen to him
The Adoption Process Takes Many Years
Adoption will complete you
All adopted children will never see their birth parents again
You can t adopt unless you re rich and have a big house
A birthparent will never know anything about her child
Adoption is a more traumatic experience for a woman than abortion
Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption
Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption
Sibling relationships don t matter
A birthparent will forget about the child released for adoption
Adoption is the opposite of abortion As long as we have one we don t need the other
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