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Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption

Myth about Adoption


Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption

if you consider adoption for your child, you are a cold, uncaring, selfish person Maybe you re afraid others will think you don t love your child In fact, women who make adoption plans for their children are among the most courageous, because they put their child s needs first Choosing to place your child with a family that can provide a stable, loving, home is an act of love and sacrifice, not an act of abandonment


A child doesn t really need a father
Your child will think adoption is the greatest thing to happen to him
Adopted children grow up feeling bitter and rejected
A birth parent or another relative can take an adopted child back
The best way to integrate your new child is to return to normal life
Adoption is the opposite of abortion As long as we have one we don t need the other
You can t adopt unless you re rich and have a big house
Can I adopt if I smoke
Adopted children have more psychological problems than biological children
People adopt to save a child
If I adopt internationally
The Hope of Being Adopted
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