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Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption

Myth about Adoption


Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption

Our trained staff is here to help you process your emotions in a healthy way Many birthmothers tell us they find peace in knowing that their child is happy, healthy, and loved by the adoptive family they chose In addition, most birthmothers find that the experience actually gives them strength and confidence to face other challenges throughout their lives


Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption
Adopted children have more psychological problems than biological children
The Hope of Being Adopted
Adoption is an irresponsible act and women who choose adoption take the easy way out
The adoption process is secretive
Adoption is very expensive
A birthparent will forget about the child released for adoption
Adopted children are more likely to be troubled than birth children
Adoption is a more traumatic experience for a woman than abortion
A child doesn t really need a father
There are many unwanted babies available for domestic adoption
Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption
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