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Sibling relationships don t matter

Myth about Adoption


Sibling relationships don t matter

Placing siblings together is almost always the best thing for them after being separated from their birth parents It helps provide continuity and protects them from suffering additional loss Currently 25 percent of children photolisted on AdoptUSKids are siblings who need to be placed together


Most adoptive parents are unfit
Birthparents who care about their child would never consider adoption
You should wait to tell your child that he or she is adopted until he or she is old enough to understand
If I adopt internationally
Adopted children are more likely to be troubled than birth children
Do I need experience of looking after children
Adoption will complete you
Adoptive parents are saintly for adopting
There are many unwanted babies available for domestic adoption
The Adoption Process Takes Many Years
Open adoption causes problems for children
Only married people can adopt
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