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Adoption will complete you

Myth about Adoption


Adoption will complete you

We were hoping to complete our family because we felt insufficient But this was too much pressure to put on him How could a broken boy complete us? Instead, adoptive parents need to know who they are so they can be who the child needs them to be whole, resolute, and overflowing We adopted our first child because of infertility


You can t adopt unless you re rich and have a big house
Adoption is the opposite of abortion As long as we have one we don t need the other
A birthparent will never know anything about her child
As soon as you adopt you ll get pregnant
Can I continue with any fertility treatments whilst I apply to adopt
Most adoptive parents are unfit
Adopted children grow up feeling bitter and rejected
Your child will think adoption is the greatest thing to happen to him
Adopted children have more psychological problems than biological children
Each child has to have a room of their own
Birth mothers are all teenagers
Sibling relationships don t matter
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