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Sniffing glue gives an instant rush There isnt time for it to hurt you

Myth about Addiction


Sniffing glue gives an instant rush There isnt time for it to hurt you

Inhalants enter the blood and go through the body in seconds. Sniffing larger amounts can cause a heart attack or death from suffocation because inhalants replace oxygen in the lungs.


once sobriety is achieved whether with or without the benefit of treatment
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
Addiction is primarily the result of personal and moral weakness
If someone has passed out drunk the best thing to do is to put them to bed and let them sleep it off
Treatment does Not work
You don t treat drug problems with drugs
We have reached the limits of what we can do to treat addiction
Treatment just doesnt work
Addiction is a choice
More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw
Families and their addicted loved ones are out of touch
A single sip of alcohol
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