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You don t treat drug problems with drugs

Myth about Addiction


You don t treat drug problems with drugs

Many addiction treatments can and should include medication. A variety of medications, when prescribed, monitored, and adjusted by a good psychiatrist, in combination with behavioral therapies, dramatically up the odds of successful treatmentthe impact of medications can be profound


If youre pregnant and use drugs
Caffeine is an addictive drug
Treatment programs work about the same for everyone
As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body
Addicts are weak people and can quit if they really want to
You cant force someone into treatment
If a person drinks long enough they will become alcoholic
Treatment just doesnt work
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
Many people relapse so treatment obviously does not work
Addiction is primarily the result of personal and moral weakness
Families and their addicted loved ones are out of touch
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