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Treatment programs work about the same for everyone

Myth about Addiction


Treatment programs work about the same for everyone

There are similarities between types of treatment programs, individual results vary a lot. Much depends on the individual and their particular addiction, their personal history and the support that is available to them.


Treatment programs work about the same for everyone
If someone has passed out drunk the best thing to do is to put them to bed and let them sleep it off
Snuff and chewing tobacco are safe because theres no smoke
Sniffing glue gives an instant rush There isnt time for it to hurt you
Treatment should put addicts in their place
As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body
Drugs relieve stress They help deal with problems
Addiction is for life
We should strive to find a magic bullet to treat all forms of drug abuse
If someone has a stable job and life
Addicts are weak people and can quit if they really want to
Addiction is a bad habit the result of moral weakness and over indulgence
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