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As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body

Myth about Addiction


As soon as a person feels normal all the drug is out of the body

Long after the effects of the drug stop being felt, the drug can still be in the body. cocaine can be found in the body up to one week and marijuana up to 3 months after a single use.


Treatment for drug addiction should be a one shot deal
Families and their addicted loved ones are out of touch
We have reached the limits of what we can do to treat addiction
If a person drinks long enough they will become alcoholic
More than anything else drug addiction is a character flaw
Caffeine is an addictive drug
Many people relapse so treatment obviously does not work
Addiction is the addict s problem
If youre pregnant and use drugs
Addiction is a social problem or a problem of morals
You have to hit rock bottom
You cant force someone into treatment
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